SPOT ON!! 2024 PSLE English Composition Topic

  • Sep 26, 2024

💫 Once again, Learning Journey proudly celebrates another year of outstanding success in preparing our students for excellence! 🎉✨

This year’s 2024 PSLE composition topic was ‘Trying Something New’—& we are thrilled to announce that we covered this EXACT TITLE in both our 2024 P6 curriculum 📚📝 & our Ace Your PSLE Composition Workshop! ✍️🌈

By staying ahead of trends 🔍📈 & consistently identifying key exam topics, we ensure that our students are not just prepared but confident 💪 when  they walk into the examination hall. 
Our curriculum is designed with precision 🎯, focusing on frequently tested themes & empowering students to craft  high-quality compositions that stand out. 🌟🌟

Thanks to our targeted preparation, many of our students entered the PSLE fully equipped with the skills 🧠 & insights they  needed to ace this composition topic. 
This is the kind of success that makes all the difference! 🚀🙌

Upcoming Composition workshops for Primary 4 & 5 students

In 2 days… we teach your P4-5 child how to write better compos that are interesting, engaging, and unique…

So they can jump from 1 to 2 grades quickly before they start the new school year.

Here’s what we’re covering in this workshop:

✅ The 4 Composition Writing Frameworks To Write Organised And Impressive Compositions – Equip your child with 4 of our proprietary writing frameworks (SuperWriters™ 1-2-3-4, One Story Many Titles, M.F.H.D & F.A.S.T) and see how easy it is for them to write compelling compos… that impress exam markers.

✅ The Storyline Portfolio To Write A-Grade Compositions For Every Exam
Imagine your child confidently choosing the perfect question and knowing exactly how to craft an A-grade composition… before the exam even begins.

✅ Common Paper 1 Mistakes P4-5 Students Make And How To Avoid Them
These mistakes cost your child precious marks which pull down their grades. We show your child how to identify and avoid these mistakes to stop losing marks.

✅ How To Write Current Affairs-Driven Storylines That Are Not Boring
Instead of writing cliche storylines like most other students, we teach your child how to write about relevant current affairs to stand out from other students and impress exam markers.

✅ Powerful Sentence Variations That Almost Every Student Never Uses – Most students repeat the same sentences over and over again. We’ll show your child how to craft interesting, engaging sentences that do not sound repetitive.

✅ How To Use Effective Transitional Phrases For Smooth Writing Flow – Ever read your child’s compositions and find that their sentences jump from one to another abruptly? We give your child a list of transitional phrases that smooth out their composition.

✅ Workshop Handouts: 10 Carefully Chosen Model Compositions + 30 Mark-Boosting Phrases
We’ll hand your child 10 curated model compositions based on our years of teaching experience so they can revise more effectively.Plus, they get 30 powerful phrases that are so easy to use, all they need to do is write them down during their exam word for word and get extra marks!

✅ Storyline Generation Practice For IMPORTANT MUST KNOW Composition Topics

Our rigorous curriculum spotted the PSLE composition topics for the last 4 years! This has helped our students prepare well for their PSLE! We further ensure their success by focusing on frequently tested topics and refining their skills.

But wait… there’s more!
When your child joins the workshop, they will also get 2 bonuses (worth $107) for FREE:

🎁 Bonus 1: Model Composition Booklet ($12)
This invaluable book is packed with high-quality, AL1-level compositions tailored for PSLE success. Your child can directly apply what was learned in our lessons to write stand-out compos!

🎁 Bonus 2: Comprehension Cloze Self-Learning 1-Year Access ($95)
This 1-year instant access to our Learning Portal gives your child a treasure trove of Paper 2 Comprehension Cloze exercises, meticulously designed using Learning Journey’s techniques.

This will help your child master Paper 2 skills and jump grades for their exam easily!

Fees: $250 per session

Sessions Available

[Serangoon Centre Session 1] 20th / 21th Nov 1230-230pm Wed/Thu

[Serangoon Centre Session 2] 2nd / 3rd Dec 1030am-1230pm Mon/Tue

[Online] 25th / 26th Nov 1230-230pm Mon/Tue

[SingPost Centre @ PMC ] 28 29 Nov Thu Fri 4-6pm

Sign up now for your preferred session.


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