Is your child practicing their essay writing at home to prepare for his/her upcoming tests/exams? 
And afterward, you realise that there is no one available to mark and review what they have written? 
In need of teachers to mark, review their essays and give them feedback to help them improve?
We are here to help…

Introducing… our Secondary English Essay Marking Package where our teachers would mark and review your child’s essay. 

Sign up for our essay review and marking package to get extra practice for your child’s essay writing.

Pay only $120 for 2 marked essays 

Start writing today!



What is included in this package:

  • Essay questions are closely modelled after secondary schools, JC, ‘O’ & ‘A’ Level essay exam questions.
  • Choose from personal recount/reflective/discursive/argumentative essay topics. (Essay questions will be released upon payment)
  • Our teachers will mark and review your essays based on Content, Language, and Structural errors in writing
  • Mark and correct content, language, and structural errors in writing
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses in language and content
  • Constructive marking and suggestions on how to improve your areas of weakness.
  • 10 minutes zoom session per essay marking for the teacher to explain their comments and feedback.
  • Students have 7 days to complete each assigned essay

Our teachers will mark and review the essays submitted within 7-10 working days
Price: Only $120 for 2 Essays 



Upon receipt of payment, you will be asked to choose your preferred essay topics (expository/personal recount/ personal reflective), and our teachers will release the essay question to you via email. (Strictly no changing of questions/topics)

Essay questions are specially curated and chosen based on past year O level / IP /Secondary English examination question trends and analysis.

Students have 7 days to complete the essay on the google doc created and sent by our teachers.

Upon completion, our teachers will mark and revert within 7-10 working days and arrange a 10 minutes zoom session with you to go through the marking.

Signup here:

Learning Journey Education Centre.
Learning Journey Education Centre.
Learning Journey Education Centre.
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