2024 Primary 6 Schools Preliminary English Oral Topics & Questions

  • Aug 08, 2024

Check back for updates as we continue to expand the list with insights from different schools!


Schools Topic/Theme Pictures Questions
Alexandra Primary School Community Work Community service activities include tree planting, beach cleanups, and donation drives
  1. Would you be interested in doing this community work?
  2. Have you ever participated in any kind of community event?
  3. Do you think children should engage in community service? Why or why not?
Lakeside Primary School Environment Talking about the environment, making an eco-friendly hand sanitizer.
  1. Would you be interested in visiting the Green Fair?
  2. Tell me about an eco-friendly practice you have or would like to start.
  3. Do you think our school is an eco-friendly school? Why or why not?
  4. Would you like to participate in the activity shown in the poster?
Oasis Primary School Camping Camping
  1. Would you like to go to camp?
  2. Talk about a learning journey you enjoyed.
  3. Do you think it’s important for students to go outdoors for a learning journey?
Rosyth School Helping Classmate/Others A person writing a letter to someone who did not come to school.
  1. Have you ever helped someone, or has someone helped you before?
  2. Have you done something similar to the picture before? Tell me about it.
Rosyth School Nature Tour On the butterfly garden tour, take a picture and receive posters of butterflies.
  1. Would you be interested in this tour?
  2. Have you ever tried something for the first time? Tell me more about it.
Nan Chiau Primary School Recycling At a free eco-friendly fair, spend $20 to receive a free lunchbox, and enjoy discounts on all products.
  1. Do you want to attend this fair?
  2. Do you have the habit of recycling?
  3. Are you a creative person?
  4. What environmental practices do you follow or want to follow?
  5. Do you enjoy making new things?
St Hilda’s Primary School Charity A poster for raising funds for cancer patients through baking.
  1. Has your school made any efforts to encourage students to volunteer or donate?
  2. Have you participated in any of these activities?
  3. Would you participate in this event? Why or why not?
St Gabriel’s Primary School Recycling A lunchbox will be given away if you spend over $20. Additionally, there will be tips on how to make a DIY item. Would you like to sign up for this event? It’s about upcycling.
  1. Would you join this event?
  2. How would you encourage your friends to get involved?
  3. Do you think your friends would be interested in joining this event?
  4. What do you think your school can do to encourage students to get involved?
Waterway Primary School Charity Raising funds for charity by baking cookies.
  1. Would you invite a friend to this event? Why or why not?
  2. Would you start a fundraiser through cooking or baking? Why or why not?
Waterway Primary School Delivery Picture of a deliveryman delivering food to a mother and daughter, wearing a shirt that says ‘Free Delivery’
  1. Do you think the free delivery service will encourage more people to buy food online?
  2. Have you ordered food online? Share your experience.
  3. What are the advantages of food delivery or ordering food online?
  4. Do you think food delivery is a good job? Why or why not?
Punggol View Primary School Outdoor Activities Picture showing outdoor activities
  1. Would you like to participate in any of these activities?
  2. Do you enjoy going outdoors? Why or why not?
Mee Toh School Camping Picture showing P6 Graduation Camp with a Zoo Trip
  1.  Would you like to join the camp and why?
Kong Hwa Primary School Environment Running a green fair
  1. Would you be interested in attending this green fair?
  2. Have you made anything before?
Meridian Primary School Helping Classmate/Others A friend is typing out a letter to another friend who is injured, intending to surprise them.
  1.  What do you think she is going to write in her email?
Anderson Primary School Graduation Camp P6 Graduation camp with a zoo trip
  1. What would you pack for this graduation camp?
  2. Would you like to participate in this event? Why or why not?
  3. Tell me about a learning journey you had.
  4. If you had a chance, where would you recommend the school to bring the class to?
Mee Toh School Graduation Camp P6 Graduation camp with a zoo trip
  1. What would you pack for this graduation camp?
  2. Would you like to participate in this event? Why or why not?
  3. Tell me about a learning journey you had.
  4. If you had a chance, where would you recommend the school to bring the class to?
Tao Nan School Graduation Camp P6 Graduation camp with a zoo trip
  1. Look at the poster, would you want to go to this event?
  2. Would you like to participate in this event? Why or why not?
  3. Tell me about your hobby.
  4. Have you been to other similar fun events such as a camp? How was it?
Waterway Primary School Delivery Free food delivery heading + pic of two ppl receiving their food from food delivery man
  1. Do you think this free delivery encourages ppl to order food from them?
  2. Do you think the food delivery person’s job was easy or hard?
  3. Do you think the two ppl were happy to get their food online?
  4. Do you like ordering food online / or do you prefer ordering food online?
Punggol View Primary School Nature tour Going to a butterfly farm
  1. Do you want to participate in this activity?
  2. Do you remember a time when you had an activity that required a lot of patience?

Meanwhile, check out our ORAL Intensive Prep workshop by Principal Grace.

⏰ Time is running out! This is your LAST CHANCE to give your child the preparation they need for the upcoming PSLE English Oral Exam! 

‼LAST RUN! Ace your PSLE English Intensive Oral Preparation Workshop with Principal Grace

👩🏻‍🏫, Author of the Best Selling “Ace Your PSLE English Oral” Book (More than 800 copies sold!)

Securing full marks💯 in the PSLE English Oral exams means your child can effectively score 15% of the total English paper, providing a significant advantage for him/her.

In this workshop, Principal Grace👩🏻‍🏫 will share exclusive insights on the Primary 6 Prelim Oral Topics &  her expert predictions for this year’s PSLE Oral topics!

Each child will have a opportunity to actively participate & be tested!

What’s included:

✨Insights into P6 Prelim Oral topics

✨Principal Grace’s top predictions for PSLE Oral questions

✨5 MUST KNOW Oral Topics

✨Revision of important vocabulary for key themes

✨’Live’ Oral Participation in class

✨Effective strategies & techniques for acing PSLE English Oral

✨Detailed handouts provided

💰Fees: $120 

📅 Thu 8 Aug 7-9pm

Conducted at Serangoon Centre/Online

Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/LJEC8AugwPGrace

📅 Sat 10 Aug 3.30-5.30pm (NEW)

Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/LJEC10AugwPGrace

Don’t wait—sign up today and secure your child’s success!

Learning Journey Education Centre.
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