Primary Oral English Mock Exam For Primary 4 & Primary 5 Students.


🌟Prepare Your Child for 2025 PSLE Victory with Our Oral Classes!🌟

Attention P4 & P5 Parents: The PSLE landscape is evolving! Starting from 2025, mark weightage for the oral component has risen to 40 marks, marking a significant shift in the PSLE English syllabus!

Explore our comprehensive course outline, meticulously designed to equip your child with the skills needed to conquer the NEW 2025 PSLE English Oral Exams and beyond!

What is covered:
✨ “LIVE” Oral Practice: Experience the thrill of real-time oral assessments, honing skills under pressure and building confidence with each session.
✨ Masterful Techniques: From pronunciation to vocal expression, our expert tutors impart essential skills and techniques for exceptional oral performance.
✨ Exclusive In-House Materials: Gain access to our meticulously crafted materials, perfectly aligned with the NEW 2025 PSLE format, equipping students with the knowledge and confidence to tackle any question with ease.
✨ Comprehensive Topic Coverage: Covering a wide range of topics and scenarios, our sessions delve deep into class discussions and relevant vocabulary, ensuring students are well-prepared for every aspect of the PSLE Oral examination.
✨ Reading Aloud: Enhance pronunciation, diction, and articulation.


$95 (1 session X 1.5h) 1 topic covered
$180 (2 sessions x 1.5h) 2 topics covered

Choose 1 session:

Thursday – 7-8.30pm
Saturday – 11am -12.30pm

Sun 3.30-5pm



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