2020 PSLE Composition Topic

  • Jul 06, 2022
Write a composition about something that was lost

We will be sharing tips on how to score this composition topic in a moment!

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Find out how we helped 20% of our students score A* for 2021 PSLE!

FREE E-BOOK: “How To Write An A* Composition”

What will you find in “How To Write An A* Composition?

A sneak peek at what our students learn in our classes! 

  • 3 Must know secrets to writing AWESOME compositions
  • 45 Expressive phrases for composition writing
  • 13 Power Words to use!


Free Primary School Model compositions Singapore

We would like to share a collection of model compositions written by our students who have scored A/A* for PSLE English.

Download the newest edition of our students’ model compositions here:https://app.getresponse.com/site2/model_compositions?u=LY9B&webforms_id=14877703&v=0

Preparing for PSLE 2021?

Find out how we helped 20% of our students score A* for 2021 PSLE!

If you child is currently under performing, we can help!

Your child CAN take his first steps with us…by signing up for our intensive PSLE English Classes, where we will teach him all the techniques and strategies our students used to achieve the above grades!

Topics covered:Paper 2:

5 ways to score for Comprehension MCQ, & open endedTechniques to use for Comprehension Cloze (using Principal’s Grace’s Assessment Book Series- Comprehension Cloze Techniques by SIngapore Asia Publishers)

4 must have Editing skills

techniques to Tackling Vocabulary questions
3 steps to ace the Synthesis and Transformation section 

Paper 1:

7 steps to writing an A* composition (Situational and Continuous Writing)view our students compositions here: https://www.learningjourney.edu.sg/creative-writing-english-paper-2-tuition/model-compositions-primary/ Composition writing techniques

Here’s what our students & their parents say about our Super Writers & Tuition classes:

“My son’s English grades improved from a B to A within 3 months!

We are so confident with Grace and her team that we also enrolled Calen for the Chinese writing class. And after 3 months, his grades improved from a C to A! Many thanks to Grace and her team for doing a fantastic job!” Mummy of Calen, P6 Catholic High

“Ever since my daughter attended the Super Writers English tuition classes, she started scoring above 30 marks for her class compositions from 20+ marks. She was scoring borderline marks for her paper 2 (50+ marks) and has made much improvement since. She is now more motivated and confident and hopes to score at least 70 marks for her SA1! Thank you Teachers for guiding her patiently.”

Mother of Chloe, P6, Holy Innocents’ Primary School

I attended only 2 lessons and my SA1 composition grade jumped to Band 1 from 20/40 (a recent composition I wrote in class)!

Cody, P6, Rosyth School

Learning Journey Education Centre.
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